سایت بهداشت محیط ایران

سایت بهداشت محیط ایران

بهداشت محیط،آب وفاضلاب، مواد زائد ، بهداشت مواد غذایی،استخدامی بهداشت محیط
سایت بهداشت محیط ایران

سایت بهداشت محیط ایران

بهداشت محیط،آب وفاضلاب، مواد زائد ، بهداشت مواد غذایی،استخدامی بهداشت محیط

دانلود کتاب Environmental Policy and Public Health 2nd Edition

دانلود کتاب Environmental Policy and Public Health 

Environmental Policy and Public Health 2nd Edition

As with the first edition, this second edition describes how environmental health policies are developed, the statutes and other policies that have evolved to address public health concerns associated with specific environmental hazards, and the public health foundations of the policies. It lays out policies for what is considered the major environmental physical hazards to human health. Specifically, the authors describe hazards from air, water, food, hazardous substances, and wastes. To this list the authors have added the additional concerns from climate change, tobacco products, genetically-modified organisms, environment-related diseases, energy production, biodiversity and species endangerment, and the built environment. And as with the first edition, histories of policymaking for specific environmental hazards are portrayed. This edition differs from its antecedent in three significant themes. Global perspectives are added to chapters that describe specific environmental hazards, e.g., air pollution policies in China and India. Also there is the material on the consequences of environmental hazards on both human and ecosystem health. Additionally readers are provided with information about interventions that policymakers and individuals can consider in mitigating or preventing specific environmental hazards.

کتاب زبان اصلی پی دی اف 537 صفحه

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